Avolites PEARL 2008

Avolites PEARL 2008

The console Pearl 2008 combines strength and flexibility at very small dimensions. As with all Avolites consoles so the Pearl 2008 is designed for quick and easy programming and implementation. The Presets available to give ease and flexibility in many type options: pan, tilt, colour, gobo, etc. All the memories of the changes are automatically saved, allowing the user – programmer to create without fear of data loss.



  • Internal Flash Drive, similar in functionality to a hard disk but faster and more rugged. Provides enough storage for the entire Fixture Library of more than 3,000 files or over a hundred show files.
  • Removable external Memory Stick.
  • Cache the entire Fixture library of more than 3,000 files
  • Improved method of Fixture selection for Patching
  • New Locate Fixture button
  • Fixture Selects (selecting the top row of faders)
  • 2048 Channels across 4 DMX universes.
  • 240 Intelligent Fixtures.
  • 240 Dimmer Control Channels.
  • Theatrical Plotting and Playback functions.
  • Shape Generator for instant creation of patterns and effects.
  • 15 Playback Masters controlling 450 memories, chases or cue lists.
  • MIDI and Bass, Mid, Treble sound to light triggers.
  • Colour VGA output fitted as standard.